Botany (3R/4R)

Unit Five - Plant Reproduction and Our Native Flora
Major Concepts
Chapter 30
  • Comparing and contrasting the life cycles of mosses, ferns and gymnosperms
  • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants...
    • Structure and function of flowers (4 parts)
    • Gametophyte formation in flowering plants
    • Pollination and fertilization
  • Adaptations for fruit and seed dispersal (3 major categories of fruits)
  • Germination!
  • Human methods of plant propagation
  • Native flora of Pott County
    • Identify via color, season and location
    • Monocots vs. Dicots vs. Eudicots
    • Annuals vs. Biennials vs. Perennials
Unit Four - Photosynthesis, Plant Hormones, Movements & Responses
Major Concepts
Chapters 6 and 31
  • Everything about photosynthesis...
    • Equation
    • Purpose/Importance
    • The two phases (Light Reactions and Calvin Cycle)
    • Structure of cholorplasts and general flow of light energy to NADPH/ATP to G3P 
  • Definition and purpose of plant hormones, and the five major groups and their functions/uses
  • The "what," and "how," of plant movement
    • Nastic vs. Tropic
  • Seasonal plant response
    • Photoperiodism
    • Flowering (Critical Night Length)
    • Vernalization
Lesson plans for the week of April 18, 2011...
Lesson plans for the week of April 11, 2011...
Lesson plans for the week of April 4, 2011...

Unit Three - Plant Cells, Tissues, Organs and Their Processes
Major Concepts
Chapter 4, 29 and 6
  • Plant specific organelles (3)
  • Types of plant cells (3) and tissue systems (3)
  • Meristematic growth (apical, lateral and intercalary)
  • Types/Adaptations of the following plant organs...
    • Roots
    • Stems
    • Leaves
  • Everything about photosynthesis...
    • Equation
    • Purpose/Importance
    • The two phases (Light Reactions and Calvin Cycle)
      • Chlorophylls, energy transfer, storage, etc.
    • Environmental factors that affect/influence photosynthesis
Unit Two - Plant Evolution and Classification
Major Concepts
Chapter 28, 25 and 17
  • The systematics and classification of plants (Kindgom Plantae and it's divisions)
  • Various levels of taxa (DKPCOFGS)
  • The general traits of an organism in Kingdom Plantae
  • The ancestors of plants (Green Algae)
  • The major adaptations made by plants to conquer land environments
  • Plants, and the ability to alternate generations (Haploid and Diploid, Gametophyte and Sporophyte)
  • General traits of...
    • Non-vascular plants (Mosses)
    • Seedless vascular plants (Ferns)
    • Gymnosperms (Conifers)
    • Angiosperms (Flowering Plants)
Unit One - Introduction to Botany & the Importance of Plants
Major Concepts
Chapter 27 (pgs 545-556)

  • The definition of science the scientific process
  • History of plant cultivation
  • Categories of food crops (descriptions and examples)
  • Human increase in food production (positives and negatives)
  • Non-food uses for plants (medicine, clothing, fuel, etc.)
  • Plant contributions and interactions with their environments (Plant Ecology)
  • Plants and their potential to cause harm