Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Article of the Week... (2/22 Edition)

Found this interesting piece of reading on Scientific American. I do not think I will ever purposefully try it out to see if it will work, but who knows...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A&P Students: Regarding That Answer Key...

For some reason, I have not be allowed to upload the document that has the answer key for your formative assessment. I do not know if the file is corrupt, or if I accidently saved it as a temporary file and currently do not have access to it over the web. Anyways, we will grade the formative assessment and the diagram at the beginning of class tomorro, then take the summative exam in the second half. Do not fret, do not worry, all will be well...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dr. Frankenstein...

Today, Block 2 Anatomy and Physiology students were furthering their knowledge and understanding of the muscular system by applying clay "muscles" to our "Frankenstein Monster" models. Our Anatomy and Physiology class is currently deep into the muscular system and will be testing next Tuesday...
   Students working on their Frankenstein Models

Monday, February 14, 2011

Constructing Dichotomous Keys...

Dichotomous keys are very useful in the identification of organisms in Biology, most notably plants in the field of Botany/Field Biology. For our Unit 2 - Plant Classification and Evolution lab, 3R and 4R Botany students fought through the struggles of constructing precise and efficient dichotomous keys...

 3R Botany Shoe Selection

3R Botany Students working diligently at constructing their keys...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Botany exam on the horizon...

Botany Students... Your Unit 2 - Plant Evolution and Classification exam will be next Wednesday, February 16th. 3R and 4R Botany classes will complete the dichotomous key lab on Monday the 14th, followed by a short review and testing on the 16th. Start studying now!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Environmental Science Unit One Exam...

Enviro Sci Students... Your Unit One Exam (Introduction fo Environmental Science) is officially scheduled for the following dates:
  • 6W - Tuesday, February 15th
  • 8W - Thursday, February 17th
The exam will be covering all of the major concepts that are listed on the classroom white board and also on this website. The flipcharts that we have been using to construct notes are linked on this blog site as well... Study up!