Wednesday, December 22, 2010

That's it! Fall 2010 semester in the books...

Finals are finished, which means the Fall 2010 semester here at WHS is finally behind us. It was a great semester, and I want to thank everyone for making it enjoyable. Here's to a happy holiday season and a great 2011. See you January 5th!

Happy Holiday and New Year wishes from Wrigly!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Studying, it does work!

Constantly struggling to keep up in class? Falling behind with your grades? Parents and teachers breathing down your neck about reaching your full potential? Well, try STUDYING! Studying is a proven practice that can increase your ability to retain classroom content and succeed on summative exams. Need further persuasion, watch this testimonial...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mr. Williams' Bird Call Challenge Winners...

This past Wednesday, December 8th, students in Mr. Williams' Zoology class participated in the First Annual Wamego High School Bird Call Challenge. The challenge was designed to be a culminating point the unit about birds that the students were just completing. Below are the respective winners from each class period. To check out all of the teams and their calls, visit the following link...

First Place for 3R Zoology - Ashley &, Shelby portraying the California Condor
First Place for 4R Zoology - Micah &, Brandon portraying the Red-Throated Loon

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Article of the Week (12/15 Edition)

You might not see any of these laws placed into effect for a while, but your lunch menu and lunch options in the cafeteria may be a little altered in years to come...

Heading down the home-stretch...

Room 103 Students... Counting Wednesday, there are officially five days of school left in this semester. The final exam schedule for my classroom goes as follows:
  • Thursday - Blocks 3 and 4 - Zoology Final
  • Friday - Block 8 - Field Biology Final
  • Monday - Block 2 - Biology Final
  • Tuesday - Block 6 - Field Biology Final
Do not forget Field Biology students, that your final exam will be essay based. Your potential questions will be uploaded to this website tomorrow after we view them in class.
Biology students, we still have this Thursday to review for the final exam and to take care of any IP's/AW's that remain. Come ready to work!
Zoology students, you are officially on the clock with only a little over a day left until you take your semester final. The study sheets (which have been handed to you in class) are now available for viewing and downloading from this website.

Get to studying and good luck on all of the other final exams you'll be taking over the next five days!

Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Biology Finals Review Session...

Tomorrow night at Barleycorn's, we will be hosting a Biology Finals Review session for all freshmen that would like to attend. There will be some major concept sheets and practice tests covering the material we've looked at this semester. If you're looking to be successful on this year's Biology Final, it's highly recommended that you attend... Hope to see you there...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Here's something that'll wake you up!

Attention Zoology and Biology students... Your exams for Unit 5 (Biology) and Unit 7 (Zoology) have been pushed back to Friday, December 10th. We will finish our unit content on Wednesday and review for the unit exams Wednesday. Friday equals exam day!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Zoology HOMEWORK (Weekend of 12/4)

Zoosters... The Unit 7 exam is quickly approaching, so be brushing up on your Reptilian knowledge and furthering your Bird understanding over the weekend. Notes for both the birds and reptile sections are linked to this website, as are the worksheet packets. Look for the Chapter 41 - Reptiles Formative Quiz and a Unit 7 Phylogenetic Tree linked to this blog in the coming days. In addition to studying for the Unit 7 exam over the weekend, have the following completed for class on Monday, December 6th...
  • Worksheets 42.1-42.3
  • Read pages 840-854
Enjoy the weekend and see you on Monday!

Biology HOMEWORK (Weekend of 12/4)

Young Biologists... Homework for this weekend is to brush up on your thermodynamics knowledge, and try to further grasp and understand the complex process of photosynthesis. Look for a simplified notesheet regarding photosynthesis linked to this site in the coming days. In addtion to STUDYING, be sure to have the following completed before you return to class on Monday...
  • Read pages 218-233
  • Complete worksheets 8.2 and 8.3
Have a great weekend and see you on December 6th!

Article of the Week... (12/2 Edition)

Many worry about the health effects higher mercury content in our global water systems may have on future populations of animals, human and wild. Here's an article shedding light on additional negative effects that mercury may also be linked to.

In nature, it's important that species maintain a constant rate of successful reproduction in order to prolong species existence. If what's taking place in this study continues, some of the outlooks for certain animal populations look grim. This article is not reflecting on the actual behavior taking place between the genders of animals, but the outcome of male and female wildlife not successfully reproducing. Enjoy...

White Ibis (Eudocimus albus) pair walking along the shore, Florida