Tuesday, May 17, 2011

FINALS are approaching...

Here is a run down of Final Exam dates... Study Up!

Seniors: 5/17 - 3rd/4th blocks
             5/18 - 8th block
             5/19 - 1st/2nd blocks
             5/20 - 5th/6th blocks

Underclassmen: 5/20 - 8th block
                        5/23 - 3rd/4th blocks
                        5/24 - 5th/6th blocks
                        5/25 - 1st/2nd blocks

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Botany Unit 5 Exam RESCHEDULED!

Good Morning...

Botany students, your exam that was originally scheduled for Friday the 13th is now being moved to tomorrow the 11th. Just a friendly reminder. You should have all of your formative quizzes and worksheets to study from. Do not forget to check out the chapter PowerPoint online at this site as well... Good luck and good studying!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy National Teacher Day...

Just wanted to wish all of those teachers out there a wonderful National Teacher Day!
(Pictured is Zach Beck wishing his mom a Happy National Teacher Day)

A&P Unit 12 Exam...

Will be next Monday, the 9th of May! It will be our final exam and cover the Endocrine system... Just a brief reminder for you A&P students... Study UP!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Homework for the weekend (4/30 and 5/1)...

Botany - Look through the PowerPoint slides online for section 30.3. We will be working on germination and plant propagation Tuesday. Remedial work for Unit 4 IPers is now available...

A&P - Read pages 238-267 and finish the worksheet covering disorders of the endocrine system. We will finish constructing the notesheet on Tuesday and take a formative exam covering the unit.

Environmental Science - Remedial work for Unit 3 will be available Monday. No homework for you this weekedn unless you are on IP/AW. In that case, get to studying!

IP/AW Students! Time is running short. Get in and see me in seminar or before school to set up times and plans to get your tests retaken and passed!

Have a good weekend and enjoy the weather!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Article of the Week (4/18 Edition)...

With our Biology classes in the Science Wing recently wrapping up "Evolution-Change Through Time," I decided to go with the flow and find an article this week that touches on common ancestory and the science behind it. Attached is a link to a ScienceNews.org article that talks about new fossil findings discussing a possible new link to the common ancestory between all primates...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cow Eye Dissection!

This past Wednesday, Anatomy and Physiology students of Room 103 dissected cow eyeballs. This lab was designed to give the students a better structural understanding of the eye, and to also give them a feeling for the composition of those structures. Below are some pictures from the dissection...
 Dessie trimming away some of the fat and connective tissue from his cow eye...
 Kolbie cutting through the sclerna and getting ready to check out the inside of the eye...
Colby showing the choroid/tapetum and lens from the cow eye...